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Services I offer
  Online and In-person counseling in California 

This practice is inclusive and welcomes all.

Individual Therapy

When was the last time you seriously took care of yourself?

Navigating work-stress, relationship, life demands and all these transitions and new experiences can be draining. Therapy  is an opportunity to focus on yourself, begin to reflect on the life you currently live, and figure out where you want that life to go, without judgment or pre-assumptions.


Whether you experience anxiety, burnout, feeling stuck or alone, individual therapy can support you. You are not alone and I am here to help. Together, we will address these barriers and understand what might be moving you away from feeling and showing up as your true self.

I specialize in working with anxiety, OCD, depression, trauma, relationship issues, life transitions, and identity. 

LGBTQIA+ Affirmative

Image by Dimitry Zub

Things can be different than they are today.

Let's connect.
You deserve a life you love.

Children and Teens 

We can be nostalgic about our childhood, but the truth is that it can be tough growing up. 


Life trajectories, trauma, family dynamics, emotional and social issues can affect the child's well-being.


In my office I see many teens and young children that experience emotional and social difficulties often expressed in behavioral issues, loneliness, and avoidance. 

Therapy can provides a safe space for children and teens in which they can truly feel seen and heard.

I use integrative approach of  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Play Therapy, and EMDR when working with children and adolescents to foster emotion-regulation, social skills as well as treating anxiety, OCD, and depression.

For OCD I use ERP, ACT and I-CBT.

My new office  in Calabasas is design to address children's unique needs (See the photo gallery). 

I see children age 4 and up. 



You are here because you love your child,

And I am here to help.

Parenting Counseling 

Hi Parents, how are you doing?

I assume you are tired and probably exhausted. When children are struggling, so do their parents.

The transition to becoming and being parents is one of the most profound, transformative events in life. Parenthood can invite daily challenges and changes in emerging identities and personality for both child and parent. I am enthusiastic about working with families and  children, and supporting their journey.

Parenting counseling is a chance for you to understand your child better. Navigating expectations and realities in the revolving world that is filled with social media, digital communication, changing rules is not an easy task. I teach parenting skills, tips and practical in-home strategies to reduce tension and family conflict.  

Together, we will get a good handle on what is going on with your child, and I will provide you with strategies and skills to help you feel more effective so you can begin to make the best choices for your family. 

The family system is the unit that supports children's growth, development and provides security and a sense of belonging. Together we will explore how a parent can foster well-being, model social-emotional regulation and promotes self-confidence and self-esteem.     

Using conscious parenting lenses and co-regulation of both parents and child, I assist parents in looking inward at themselves, seeing their needs, aspirations and hopes.

 I help them to clarify what is important to them regarding their child's educational goals and growth, what values they wish to foster in their family, and how to have a better connection with their child. 



Image by Olivia Bauso

“The way we talk to our children becomes their own voice.”                                       PEGGY O’ MARA

Ready to take the first step?

Image by Brooke Cagle


Couples Counseling

Relationships are a daily collaborative task. We all want to be loved.  So why are relationships are so hard to find, maintain, and make more meaningful?

This partnership do not just happen by itself, and at times it needs external support. Unmet needs, expectations and differences in perspectives can cause conflicts and  ruptures. I will assist you in navigating your needs and desires, improving your communication and intimacy, and reconnecting with each other.  I will help you to repair and regenerate a meaningful relationship in your lives as a couple. The integrative approach of EFT (Emotion Focus Therapy) and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) will empower this exploration. In therapy we will better understand the internal cycle of your relationship,  and the values and purpose that you wish to embed within your relationship.     

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